NEW: bplogic Onboard editor for Logic operations
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Das Logikmodul einer Pumpensteuerung

bplogic Pump control

The logic module of the bplogic offers the possibility to realize additional customer-specific functions on the pump control without programming knowledge, for example to control motor contactors or to detect averages of pipelines. The extended control functions are made possible by the integration of an editor on the digital interface of the bplogic. Without PLC programming knowledge and their own software development environments, users can realize manufacturer-specific functions with the bplogic.

Configuration takes place via the user interface of the intelligent pump control. There, all available variables such as pressures, speeds, and other digital and analog input or output signals can be logically linked. The implementation of time elements is also possible, as is the output of customer-specific error messages in various languages. An implemented online debugger is particularly helpful in practice. It supports troubleshooting when checking manufacturer-specific functions.

The configuration of the module is designed to be simple and easy to use. Newly created functions are stored directly on the bplogic and can be adapted at any time. The smart controller thus takes over the complete control of newly added functions. The implementation of own functions in existing systems succeeds within shortest time. This upgrades systems and prepares them for new requirements in a future-proof manner.

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